



I dreamed about SOUNDS – what does SOUNDS mean in a dream?



Hear an alarm and exciting profitable times are ahead.

Receive applause and it’s a sign you’re a bit of a vain one. Beware of jealousy. You can overcome it but you’ll need some tact. If you hear others applauding friends may do the dirty on you.

A lamb bleating says business will prosper. Hear a flock of them at it and your home life will be happy.

A buzzer sounding says your social life will be such a whirl you won’t know if you’re coming or going.

You will soon be swelling with pride for some reason if you hear chanting.

Chatter is a straightforward warning you’ve been gossiping too much.

Hear chimes and better times are ahead.

A striking clock means things will improve if you take positive action.

A cock crowing predicts wonderful news.

A cork popping says you’re in for a bit of a fling.

Cymbals and it’s time to hold tight. You’re in for a passion- ate new romance.

Push a door bell and you’ll meet an exciting new friend. Hear it ringing and a new pursuit will soon entrance you.

Some smashing success will soon be yours if drums fea- ture. Play them and things’ll be simply wonderful.

Exploding dynamite is a warning to abandon any new plan. It won’t work. Any other explosion predicts lasting improve- ments in every area of life.

The sound of your own echo means you’re in for a strange experience – probably with the opposite sex. Another kind of echo is a sign you will get a big ‘yes’ from a proposal you put forward. It could be marriage or a business proposition.

Hear a gong and an exciting event is on the way. Simply see it and someone you know is about to experience changes in their life.

Hissing from a snake is telling you to try and control your temper. Human hissing means you will make progress if you hear it. Do it yourself and you are about to make an embarrassing faux-pas.

Fortune is about to smile on you if you hear someone knocking on a door. Do it yourself and you are feeling nostal- gic. But don’t try and recreate the past. Going back is never quite the same. Knock on a window and you are in for a row with your mate.

A man’s laugh says you are about to learn a lot from a new work project. A woman’s is a sign you are being a bit anti-social. News will arrive from a long way away if you hear children laughing. Make people laugh and it’s time to face the fact that you and your partner aren’t really suited.

Tuneful harmonious music predicts fabulous fortune in all that deeply concerns you. But if it’s out of tune trouble is in the wind at work.

Children making a noise is a warning to be patient. Unusually loud noises are a sign you aren’t relaxing enough. Try to slow down.

A rattle is a sign you are in for a few problems.

Church bells say you are anxious. Ring them yourself and you are about to make a lasting friend.

Hear a scream and distressing news will follow. Scream yourself and it’s a good sign for your closest concerns.

A clap of thunder means whatever is troubling you most will soon be cleared up. Rumbling thunder says that dis- loyalty you suspect from a friend – well, you’re absolutely right. Don’t trust them.

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