
As we prepare the pumpkins and punch scaring ourselves silly with reruns of “Nightmare on Elm Street” and “Halloween III” we forget that the “witchy day” is not about dressing kids up as ghosts and warlocks to go trick or treating. Halloween is a “Hallowed Eve.” In Italy, it is the Day of the Dead, “Il Giorno dei Morti” in Mexico “Dia de la Muerte” when lanterns and wreathes are laid on the tombs of loved ones. It is a day to honour the multi dimensions and the spirit beings who return to greet us from the other side.

The ancient ones celebrated the day as a meeting point in time, dividing the year in two at the end of summer light. The Celts called it Samhain when Spirit served humanity well and spoke the truth. On such days burial mounds and tombs were illumined with lanterns and torches to guide the dead back into the world.

Christians call it “All Souls Day” and honour it with buns of saffron and spices, candied apples and pumpkin pie. In Italy, a cake called Ossa dei Morti, the “Bones of the Dead” is eaten as a special treat. In Ireland a fruitcake called “Barnbrack” foretells the future. If a ring is found within it marriage is predicted, if a piece of straw is discovered, a good year lies ahead. In Mexico, loaves are baked in the form of skeletons and consumed at special feasts.

In some Italian villages folk still leave the doors of their homes open so their dead can enter. In Austria bread is left on the table overnight so hungry spirits will find food on their return to this world. In Czechoslovakia, chairs are added around the table so deceased family members can join in a special dinner. In Germany folks hide away their knives so angry souls will not harm those who did them wrong when they walk the earth once more!

Psychics and mediums, spiritualists and healers make sure their homes are lit up with candles. A special invocation is made to enlighten those who seek the truth. For the spiritual worker a Halloween reading is especially intense and a medium will be more prone to communing with the departed, happy to know the living acknowledge eternal life as a beginning without end at last.

Space clearing is auspicious on Halloween. Spraying blessed water around the home, cleaning out drawers and cupboards, placing crystals in corners or dishes of rice in each room, will suck up negative energies and protect from angry ghosts. One could take a ceremonial bath in herbal oils to purify and protect the aura, however if one wants a personal consultation in order to make peace with one’s dead, call one of our mediums for advice on such a Hallowed Day, a day when we no longer fear death, and welcome souls “back to life!”

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