
Despite your ambitious nature, you still enjoy spending time with the family. The prospect of establishing a business from the comfort of your home is suddenly very appealing. This arrangement will not only allow you to generate a respectable income but it will give you more opportunity to enjoy the company of your family.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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There has been some tension and uncertainty in a relationship that really matters to you. Your dedication and affection towards your partner is helping to mend things between you. They appreciate your loyalty and generosity. It will feel good to have confirmation that a holiday you planned on taking together is still on.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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If you could do with some company, talk to your friends online, on the phone or better still, in person. Meeting up with a group of creative people will lift your spirits. It will feel good to have your ideas met with genuine enthusiasm. Get started on a new design or painting project while you are in the right mood.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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A surprise offer is on its way. Even if it means having to rejuggle your schedule, accept this chance to enjoy new experiences. Don't feel guilty about having to step back from a relationship with a friend or neighbour who is starting to take your kind nature for granted.

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You're growing annoyed with a friend or neighbour's meddling. They're asking too many questions and starting to invade your personal boundaries. You're ready to create some distance between you and them as it's getting more and more difficult to respond diplomatically to their queries.

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Avoid getting associated with a superficial, self-serving group of people. Your involvement could tarnish your reputation. Although it will pose a few difficulties if you were to go it alone, this would also provide an opportunity for personal growth. You're starting to recognise who, among your acquaintances, is trustworthy and who to keep at arm's length.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Have confidence in your ability to succeed. Take a few moments out of every day to visualise yourself involved in work that will make you happier and bring you more satisfaction. This practice will eventually bring bigger and better opportunities your way.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Exploring beliefs and traditions you are unfamiliar with can bring the realisation that some deeply ingrained assumptions from your childhood no longer mean anything to you. This will lead to you taking a renewed perspective on the world. You might enjoy talking your thoughts over with an older relative who knows you well.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Keep on top of legal, financial and property issues. You really don't want a legal matter to be decided against you. Talk to a solicitor or financial advisor if you have any questions or doubts about a financial arrangement. They will make a few recommendations that will be to your benefit.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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If you must, you should be willing to assume a leadership role in a partnership. If an offer someone is making you does not meet with your expectations, take a deep breath and make a counter offer. Do you crave more affection in a close relationship? Let others know how you wish to be treated.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're tired of having to deal with an extremist. You accept that everyone has a right to their own opinion but you have heard enough about their views on a religious, political or cultural matter. Let them know you aren't interested in hearing these any more. If they disregard your feelings, you may need to walk away from this relationship.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Educating a group of eager learners will give you great satisfaction. Your unique coaching skills help keep your students interested and motivated. Whether it is in a formal or informal environment, it will feel good to be able to share your knowledge and insight with others. Friendship bonds are strengthened through mutual interests.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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