



How Do I Become A Clebrity When My Parents Wont Drive You To Hollywood And You Dont Look Like A Famous Person?

Why do you want to be a celebrity? Many people who are celebs do what they do for the passion of it – and they just happen to be so good (or have the right connections) that they become celebs along the way.
Which is more important to you – do do something you love and be good at it and perhaps make an impact on your world OR to be recognized by a lot of people but have no talent or true ability (coughparishiltoncough).
Seriously – if you love to sing, act, what have you and you are good at it, you should express your talent because it fills you so much that you can’t NOT do it. If acting is your thing, do community theatre and theatre in your school. Do theatre in college. Learn to be disciplined and hard working and dedicated and passionate. An actor doesn’t necessarily need ‘natural talent’ if they are truly disciplined and passionate.
In addition to comm/educ theatre, look into internships at professional companies and theatre fesitvals (Williamstown in Massachusetts is a WONDERFUL opportunity!).
You’re going to need to learn the background stuff too – not just on stage. The best actors are both able and willing to do things like hang lights, paint sets, etc.
The more versatile you are in your abilities – the less you look down on others who do things ‘behind the scenes’ – the more desirable you will be as a performer.
More desirable=more roles=more exposure=more likely to reach ‘celeb’ status!