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Andi from Manchester looking for career guidance...
Q: Will i find a new job soon..?

A: Hi Andi, What stands out most at the moment are your concerns about money. There's a lot of emphasis on this area of your chart over the months ahead and although there's a suggestion that some financial concerns might ease slightly, it is unlikely this will make a huge impact on your finances. With regard to your career, Jupiter is very close to your natal Mars in August. Possibly you will feel inspired to look further afield for work. Travel and distant places could be lucky for you around this time. Some form of job training is also possible. You might be drawn to Mars ruled occupations and these include: the police, the armed service, postal service or work in a sports clubs. With this link occurring in the sign Cancer, I would also suggest catering/restaurant work or looking for an on-board job on a ferry or ocean liner. These may not be jobs you would normally consider but sometimes it is worth trying a completely different approach to job-hunting. Could I also mention the possibility of some challenges coming your way at the very end of the year in the way of delays and little frustrations. These could easily get you down. This is a time when I'd suggest you try your very best to be positive. February 2014 could bring new or positive developments linked with something instigated this autumn.

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