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David who lives in a Hostel for the Homeless in Brighton is worried about a lady friend
Q: From his past experience he can see where a situation is leading but feels unable to do anything about it. His story started when he was evicted from his luxury home. A woman offered him a room in her house. He decorated the home, enjoyed its cosiness, took her dog for walks, went to the local with the lads and it seemed he had got his life back on track. Only his landlady was determined to drink herself to death and apparently did. David found himself homeless again and moved out of the area. He has now formed a relationship with a woman who drinks vodka all day long. He can see where she's heading but how can he make her understand?

A: David does not give his birth date so I have used the tarot to look at this relationship and the reversed cards the Queen of Cups and Two of Coins give messages both to David and his woman friend. His friend is someone who is struggling to face reality and turns to alcohol to forget. She needs professional help to overcome her habit but it must be her choice. David needs to be careful about lending money out which will never be repaid especially if it is for more vodka. He must consider the part he could be playing in encouraging her addiction.

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