Personal Horoscope


Your Personal Horoscope Forecast for 2011 is now available!
Discover How Your Personal Horoscope for 2011 Can Reveal Priceless Opportunities In Your Life!
Join Thousands of Others Who Rely on Their Personal Horoscope Forecast for a Quick, Precise and Powerful Analysis Of Their Day
*NEW* Printed, bound and posted version also available! Simply upgrade at checkout to receive your beautifully printed and bound report.

Dear Friend,

It's time to stop roaming around through life in the dark! This is your opportunity to seize control and start having the things you always wanted. As your personal astrologer, I can help you to make a big difference in your life in 2011.

How can an astrologer help you get more out of your life?

It all begins with knowing the exact time and place your were born. At that moment when you drew your first breath, the planets were aligned in a very precise way that created a startlingly clear picture of many trends in your future!  It's sometimes difficult to know the exact time you were born - try asking relatives, if there is no way of knowing you should select sunrise 06:00hrs (6am); the closer you are to your time of birth will make your reading more precise!

My role as an astrologer is to map out the heavens and translate what the planets are saying about your destiny. The information I give you will often be subtle and other times it may be obvious. You can use this information to your advantage.

I have been an astrologer for over 30 years and it has been my privilege to be a trusted astrological advisor to royalty, politicians and celebrities who have consulted me privately for years. My Personal Horoscope for 2011 enables me to offer you my services as well.

Russell Grant's Information

Martine McCutcheon "Russell told me things and was a true inspiration at a time that was probably the most difficult in my life so far. Not only was he kind and confidential, but he was spot on! Due to his help, I was able to face one of my biggest fears head on and he not only got me through, but I was able to enjoy and conquer it at that moment too.

I will always thank him for giving me hope, after all, life without it is truly miserable. Thanks Russ X Martine."

Martine McCutcheon, British Actress and Singer

Don't Let Needless Worrying Stop You From Enjoying Life

What my years of work have taught me is that no matter who we are and what our position in life is, we all have the same basic problems.

Not long ago Paul Burrell, Diana's personal butler, revealed that I was the only astrologer Diana ever trusted. She was a lovely lady and very important to me for many years. But like all of us, Diana had many problems and concerns throughout her life.

Whether it's love, relationships, money, career, health or anything else - life's twists and turns are simply inescapable. And sometimes things can change in the blink of an eye!

For many people, simply not knowing what lies ahead can lead to endless worrying and stress, all of which can cause serious physical and psychological problems.

I can't stop events in your life from happening - those decisions are left to the greater powers that be - but what I can tell you is that everything happens for a reason and that's where I can help.

There are patterns in life - both negative and positive - that are beyond our control, but if we know what they are and when they will happen, it can empower us and enable us to gain extraordinary control over our lives.

With this knowledge, you can ride any storm and also lay the foundations for the opportunities that lie ahead.

Knowledge is Power, Which is Why Your Personal Horoscope Report for 2011 is So Powerful!

During my more than 30 years as an astrologer and guide, I've seen astrology do so much for my clients. People have changed direction in their lives.

Some have finally seen the window of opportunity they had waited for and went on to life-changing success.

I've also seen years of worry and fears melt away after someone received my astrological analysis and explanations.

And so many relationships have often found new direction and grown from strength to strength after gaining unique understanding through astrology.

Knowledge is power, which is why astrology can be so powerful.

I know what a difference a personal horoscope forecast will make in your life. That's why I created my computer-driven Personal Horoscope for 2011. Now I can be your personal astrologer too and you can have me right by your side, ready to give you priceless insight any time you wish.

Let me prepare you for everything that's in store, so that no opportunity passes you by and no challenge is left unexplained.

Think of all life's opportunities that are waiting for you to grab!

  • A date with a new love interest
  • A promotion at work with new positions and responsibilities
  • Optimal periods for gaining new health and vitality
  • A perfect time to sell a house or car
  • Ideal times for taking a dream holiday - in your dream location!
  • A chance to rekindle an important relationship with your loved one
  • A lucky day at the races or the casino

Your personal horoscope for 2011 is an essential manual that you should keep by your side every day of the year!

"I really enjoyed reading my personal horoscope, it explains a lot about my personality and now I have a good excuse for why I am how I am! The description of my character was excellent it was almost like he had met me. I will be recommending this to all my friends."

Laura, Kent UK

Your Personal Horoscope Report for 2011 Is Based on Your Planetary Influences... It Is Uniquely Yours!

IMPORTANT! You might be asking yourself, what's the difference between this report and just reading my daily horoscope in the paper every day?

My answer is, there's a big, big, BIG DIFFERENCE.

When I prepare my daily stars for each sign, I can only look at general influences that are relevant for everyone who shares your sign.

Your Personal Horoscope Report is based on your exact day, month, year and time of birth as well as place of birth.

Your birth information is uniquely yours! The planets were aligned in a very exact way when you were born and this is what astrologically guides everything that has happened and will happen to you in the future.

Think of it this way. If I were a doctor, would I be able to give you an accurate diagnosis if you just told me you had a pain somewhere?


We would need to give you a full physical, take tests and gather lots of other information. Then I would use all this data to determine exactly what's going on - with you!

Your Personal Horoscope Report is about you. Someone else sharing your sign but born at another time and in another place would have a different report.

And that's the difference!

Four Tips to Get More From Your Horoscope

So let me give you four very valuable tips about how to really get 500% more out of your report.

Key Tip #1

See The Bigger Picture

It is very important that you look for patterns and larger meanings.

I have practiced astrology my whole life and I know that, if done correctly, it can be amazingly accurate and intuitive. But it's most important to look between the lines every now and then. For example, in the report if I were to tell you to...

"... Take extra care over all practical details and if possible postpone delicate or difficult negotiations or difficult meetings."

... if you don't have any negotiations or meetings planned, think about the bigger picture. Perhaps you're about to go to open a new bank account. Or maybe you're about to ask a best friend a delicate question. That would be something you'd want to postpone for a day or two.

So the "bigger picture" in this case was about sensitive interactions of some kind. Do you see what I mean?

If you can listen to what I say and use your own intuition to find the deeper meaning and relevance in your own life, your report will be a priceless resource that you will want to rely on every day.

Key Tip #2

Use Your Personal Horoscope Report as The Ideal "Indecision Breaker"

If you're like most of us, life often serves you up a situation where your damned-if-you-do and damned-if-you-don't. Often you might find the clues to your best choice right there in your report.

Place yourself back in time to the last time you ran into one of those tiresome indecision points. Maybe you're even in one right now!

  • Can't decide whether to break off a commitment?
  • Debating whether to holiday in Greece or Spain?
  • Maybe someone's asked for your honest advice and you don't know whether to be frank or diplomatic.

Look within your report! Just pay attention to what I am saying and you might see the patterns and find your answer.

Key Tip #3

Read Your Report Before Going To Bed or First Thing In The Morning

The perfect time to use my report is when you are also mentally preparing for the day ahead. At bedtime and in the morning is a great time for this because your intuition is heightened at these times.

So here are the steps:

1. Think about all the people you need to see and things you need to do and make your To Do list. Do this at bedtime or first thing in the morning.
2. Read your personal horoscope for that day and consider what it all means.
3. Consider how the main points from your report connect with your day?

Key Tip #4

Use Your Report To Schedule Important Events on Your "Power Days"!

One of the things you are going to love about your Personal Horoscope is the fabulous percentage scoring system. This gives you an immediate and precise perspective across the most important areas in your life. This is a perfect resource for when you need to plan an important event. Use it to plan the best day for a romantic evening or when to ask your boss for a promotion. Once you experience the power of this useful technique, you'll wonder how you ever lived without it!

Follow these processes and you will see more connections and really start to harness the full power of astrology.

Get Your Personal Horoscope Report And Start Living Life To Its Fullest

  • Totally personalised because it's based on YOUR specific birth details. We ask for your exact date and time of birth as well as place of birth. Equipped with this information, we can map out the positions of all the planets at the moment you took your first breath. This vital information is the key that unlocks the secrets to all the events you'll experience during 2011.
  • Precise, useful information you can start using right away. Each day you will receive a percentage score that rates you across your key areas including romance, finances and work.
  • Gain valuable insight. Once you start using your report, you'll immediately start seeing yourself and others from a clearer, more complete perspective.
  • Open yourself to financial opportunity. As you see the whole world in a different light and develop certainty and confidence, you'll find that new opportunities will unfold before you. You just need to "see" them and let destiny take care of the rest.
  • Get a clearer, more complete picture of everything and everyone around you. You'll be thrilled as your relationships improve and you see things in a whole new light. This is the opportunity you've been waiting for to make a fresh, new start.
  • Reduce needless worrying. As your astrological consultant and friend, I'll take the weight off your shoulders by giving you proper perspective and meaning to events happening.
  • Enjoy having a mentor and guide by your side. Did you know most successful and famous people have their own mentors? It's important to have a second opinion and there's a wonderful, reassuring feeling in having a coach by your side. Insightful, objective advice is often the edge you need.
  • Entertaining and uplifting - I'll entertain you and challenge you while together we take a magical journey through the next 365 days of your life!
  • Educational. You'll learn much more about astrology as I provide meaning behind each and every planetary position.
  • In depth. Approximately 50-75 pages of rich detail. We keep track of all areas and every significant event in your life.
  • Instant delivery via email. That means you can start reading your horoscope within minutes of placing your order!
  • Easy printable format. Your report is delivered to you in an easy printable format. Print one day or month at a time; or maybe print the whole lot.

With your Personal Horoscope Report you will have the satisfaction of feeling more aware and in control. And when it comes to opportunities, you'll be prepared to take action and make significant decisions that will bring you all the success and happiness you deserve.

Your Personal Horoscope Report for 2011 Can Be Yours in Just Five Minutes

For the low price of £39.99, you can have this invaluable report in minutes. This is truly a perfect opportunity for you to experience the full potential and power of astrology like never before. Don't settle for a life that is full of doubt and second-guessing. Put yourself in the driver's seat and start taking control today.

Three Ways to Place Your Order

1. The fastest and easiest way is directly online using your CREDIT or DEBIT card, with our SECURE PAYMENT processor - Worldpay. Worldpay use the all the latest and strongest encryption techniques so you can rest easy.

2. You can use your Paypal account. Click here to begin your report ordering.

3. If you do not wish to use a card, you can send us a personal cheque or banker's draft (drawn on a UK Bank in Sterling) or a British postal order. To start your order using this process, click here and begin entering your birth details.

I look forward to receiving a letter from you telling me about all the enormous success in your life since you began to see the full picture.

Have a wonderful life,

Russell Grant's Signature

P.S. I really do hope you take advantage of this unique offer today. You'll gain such confidence and insight from your Personal Horoscope Report, all for around 9p a day. Go for it!

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