




Today we have Natalie and Laura and they have always had a difficult relationship and the main problem between them is that one of them was a bit jealous of her sister at her wedding. Mum bought the wedding dress she said and then Natalie was hamming it up she thought at her wedding. Love wise we have both done very well they said and career wise they have both done very well. In the past Natalie had her appendix out and when she came home she decided to upset Laura and her sister punched her in the stomach, bad stuff!!

Russell takes a look at their charts, Laura is a Libra with a moon in Gemini with Scorpio, and then Natalie with Cancer moon and Scorpio rising and it is all about control and neither of them wants the other to control them. They also have a moon conjunct Saturn. They tend to hide bits of their character at times and are quite reserved now and do tend to hold back. Scorpio rising can be jealousy and revenge. They both have to go away and to try to get on and not try to compete with each other. Librans usually do not like battles or rows and they both need to keep their own lives under control. It is a battle between them but they both know this and have grown up a little.

A lot of it stems from jealousy of the other sister which is quite common in families. You do tend to have one sister who thinks that she is better than the other and then the other sister tends to resent her which is natural. They both must find a way to get around this and to lead their own lives and at the same time try to find something good about each other too. This can also happen with brothers, it’s not always related to sisters, so everyone must learn to try to get on with each other and then the world will be a nicer place to live in. How’s your family life then?