Russell Grant Horoscopes for January 25 2012

Aries Horoscope for January 25 2012: A partner's sacrifice is truly touching. You've always been suspicious of generous people, but your amour has proven to be genuinely giving. Thanks to them, you've been able to realise a childhood dream. Now it's time to return the favour. Offer to pay the bills while your lover gets an education, starts a business, or writes a novel. If you're single, you'll meet someone special at a business conference. Keep your eyes open for a gracious fashion plate.

Taurus Horoscope for January 25 2012: You've got life under control, and it feels great. If there's anything you hate, its chaotic conditions. Now, after a prolonged period of experimentation, you've struck on a formula that allows you to be very productive without burning out. The secret is having an orderly workspace. Knowing where to locate materials and files will allow you to finish work in record time. Spend your evenings on the sort of creative and artistic pursuits you genuinely enjoy.

Gemini Horoscope for January 25 2012: Setting yourself apart from the crowd is critical to your success. In the past, you've been taken to task for being too irreverent. Now people are starting to appreciate your rebellious ways. Don't be surprised if you're offered a teaching position. Some people will be aghast at the idea of your presiding over a classroom. Don't let their outrage bother you. You have the makings of an influential instructor. You have a way of presenting information that's fun and memorable.

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Cancer Horoscope for January 25 2012: Out with the old and in with the new. That's usually not a mantra you would use, but it applies to your current situation. You simply can't continue a relationship that is based on a dynamic which undermines your confidence. You're older and more accomplished now, and need to do things on your own terms. An elderly relative will resent this subordination, but it can't be helped. No matter how grateful and gracious you are, this family member will always be a little resentful.

Leo Horoscope for January 25 2012: You have an opportunity to make some impressive business contacts. Don't underestimate the importance of knowing the right people. Improving your communication skills will help you both personally and professionally. If you've developed a crush on someone special, you will win their heart with a series of love letters. There's nothing quite as seductive as a handwritten expression of true affection. Some will call your efforts old fashioned and sentimental, but they'll hit the mark.

Virgo Horoscope for January 25 2012: A steady series of financial success is putting you in a good position. You've never been a spendthrift, preferring to spend money on relatively inexpensive vices like books and music. Still, this might be a good time to put a deposit on a house or car. Any purchase that provides long term security will pay off handsomely. Alternatively, you may decide to buy some home office equipment. Being able to work from home will relieve you of tremendous stress.

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Libra Horoscope for January 25 2012: You're coming into your own, and it feels great. A diplomatic person like you has difficulty promoting your talent. Consequently, rivals have had a tendency to overshadow you. Recently several important people have come forward to celebrate your work. It's become easier to attract good job offers and appreciative clients. If you're in the performing arts, take this opportunity to audition. You're sure to nab a great role or gig. There is a receptive audience for your brand of expertise.

Scorpio Horoscope for January 25 2012: Trust your instincts about a domestic issue. A relative who has been behaving badly just wants attention. The best way to circumvent these scenes is to stop reacting to them. Don't rush to the rescue. Let their phone calls go to voice mail. Don't get drawn into provocative arguments. The sooner you show you have better things to do, the faster they'll reform. Your attitude will seem callous to outsiders, but they haven't borne the brunt of this pest's nonsense.

Sagittarius Horoscope for January 25 2012: Ridding yourself of superficial friends will be cathartic. You have a gift for getting along with people from all walks of life. And while this trait is admirable, it can bog down your social calendar. Devote your time to the people who enrich your life with laughter, wisdom, practical help, and emotional support. Everyone else can be pitched by the wayside. You're too busy to waste time with a bunch of hangers on. Besides, you need a little time to yourself, too!

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Capricorn Horoscope for January 25 2012: The fruits of your labour are ready to be harvested. Pause to revel in this lovely phase. Your boss is prepared to give you a big promotion, and you may be contacted by an employment agency. Now you know you're in such demand, you can ask for a raise. People will be willing to pay you a handsome salary, even in this economy. Leadership skills like yours do not grow on trees, as every employer knows. Demand what you are worth, and enjoy the spoils.

Aquarius Horoscope for January 25 2012: People admire you for your principled stance, and trust you with their most important jobs. Some critics think you are too fastidious about playing by the rules, but you won't bend. As far as you're concerned, everybody has to prove their worth. Nepotism is an anathema to you. You'd also never drop your standards to gain favour with a particular client. This means you are a demanding but respected leader. No wonder you have such a good reputation.

Pisces Horoscope for January 25 2012: Paving the way for a loved one's security is important. This is a great time to start a college fund or retirement plan. You don't need to make tons of money to build a sizable nest egg. All you need is patience and discipline. Arrange to have a set percentage of your income put into this account every pay period. After a month or so, you won't even miss this amount. Before you know it, the balance will be very impressive.

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