Lost Souls

When yet another calamity hits the news, our hearts sink to our stomachs especially when we realise the great human loss. The horrific Japanese earthquake registered tens of thousands dead and more than a few are still unaccounted for, but the question is where did all the souls go?

Floating around the ethers, unable to understand what happened to them, some are stuck in a petrified dimension. In fact, traumatized victims are often unable to move on to the light simply because they do not understand they are dead.

To imagine that souls are lost in a frightening “no man’s land” might be hard, but a fact of life according to paranormal perceptions. When the silver cord that connects the physical body to the etheric dimension is suddenly severed, the shock can be so devastating that the individual does not realise they are dead. The hit film “Sixth Sense” described this “lost soul condition” as per Bruce Willis, who was unaware he had crashed out of 3D reality until the very end of the movie.

When you have lost someone you love in a traumatic accident the emotional pain is beyond description. Yet mediums guide you, helping you understand what happens at death, and how prayers help a loved one’s passing. In fact, during a consultation the medium’s work will ease a soul’s way to grace. The lighting of a white candle and thinking of them with love will also do much to ease the pain. In fact some still pray for the victims of the Japanese catastrophe, and those of nine eleven to ease their passing.

A consultation with a medium is helpful when we lose a loved one suddenly. The extrasensory experience gives proof of life after death. The empath will guide a soul’s passing, easing confusion and grief. As a result, the supernatural will not seem so incomprehensible to the grieving. They could even gain insight of their life journey, and realise that they too are eternal and will re-unite with our loved ones when it is time! That awareness alone will not only set a loved one free, but could do much to ease the grief, and come to terms with what seems so unjust and inexplicable. In other words, once we recognise souls are lost, we can guide them back to the light.


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